Bridge City – FM 1442 Drainage Improvement Project
The Orange County Drainage District is pleased to update our citizens on the FM 1442 Drainage Improvement Project along West Roundbunch Road in Bridge City, Texas.

This joint project involves various local entities including: the Orange County Drainage District, the Texas Department of Transportation, the City of Bridge City, and the Orange County Road and Bridge Department to provide drainage relief to various subdivisions in the City of Bridge City. The affected subdivisions include Sylvan Glades, West Gate, Meadows, Schofield Place, and Palm Ridge Additions. The drainage in these subdivisions was impaired by the inability for storm water to drain from the subdivisions , make its way across FM 1442 (West Roundbunch Road) and into the Colonial Outfall Ditch, ultimately being discharged into the Neches River. The District previously completed an extensive clearing of the existing Colonial Outfall Ditch to increase capacity and speed of discharge of accumulated storm water into the Neches River.
The District also wants to acknowledge the Bridge City Independent School District and the Common Ground Community Church for providing essential easements to the Orange County Drainage District in support of this drainage relief project. Without their efforts, this project would not have been possible.
The District and its local partners designed the Bridge City FM 1442 Drainage Improvement Project to provide drainage improvements during significant rain events (when the ditch adjacent to the north side of FM 1442 becomes full). During these high-intensity rain events, the project allows storm water to flow underneath FM 1442 into the existing Colonial Outfall Ditch (which also drains the Meadowlawn Subdivision), and, ultimately, to the Neches River.

The photographs below depict the District’s progress on the project. As of July 19, 2023, the District has completed the backfilling and covering the installed culverts before the commencement of the new school Bridge City ISD school year.